We are 9 - 5 Harmony Chorus, one of the 7 Barbershop Choruses in the Bristol area !
We are all past members of Bristol Fashion chorus, including Jenny, our Musical Director, who still sings with the chorus.
9 - 5 started in 2015 when a number of us left Bristol Fashion as we were finding the competing too much for us - did I mention that our average age is approximately 80.
We sing a variety of songs, some that we learnt whilst with Bristol Fashion and several others that we have learnt over the years ranging from the 1920's to present day. We add a couple of songs to our repertoire every year, some of which are in 3-part harmony and some which are SATB.
We continue to entertain local groups and have this year sung for the Clifton Corner Club, the Debenhams Returement Club, the Lodge of Light and Reflection, Activate Fishponds - a concert which was open to the public, the Greedy Goose Charity Fayre as well as several retirement homes across Bristol.
We have lost a few members through sickness etc but have also gained Toni, daughter of Lis (our Treasurer) and Denise who came to listen to us one day and decided to join us! Lovely to have them both.
We are a fun loving group of ladies who meet regularly to practice. There is often cake at break time and we have several raffles organised by Fay who ensure that we all receive some useful and interesting prizes.
This year we celebrate our 10th Anniversary and are planning to visit the Cadbury Garden Centre to sing and also enjoy one of their scrumptious Afternoon Teas - look out for photos.
We welcome visitors and are always looking for new members who love to sing, so come along and have a listen - maybe we are just what you are looking for and you will decide to join us.
We practice every Tuesday from 11 to 1pm, at the Shirehampton Library. Station Road, BS11 9TU.
Contacts: Jenny Wood on : jwbris.wot@gmail.com
and Mary Preece on : marypreece2000@yahoo.co.uk

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